By Cochran
Aight ok time to play catchup. I had high hopes for the swap here. We DID get some good less active boots last round but it sounds like the next few rounds are going to continue to be brutal. I actually love that we're trying to motivate these people to pick up the pace because I do think that they all WANT to be here. 



I need them to boot Rodney. If they can somehow realize that he is not going to be any sort of loyal or anything to anyone because he's not as into the game then that would be the best possible timeline here. I actually love Tyler. I love how much of his mind he gives us and think that he's an actual threat to win the game. He's doing a good job at surrounding himself with strong players (Hali, Genie/Ricard) and people tend to like him. I think that for him, getting rid of someone who is just going to float through is going to be a problem later. Like there will never be a good time to get rid of Rodney in the future. ESPECIALLY with a swap/merge or whatever else. 

I love Hali, I do, but she has to get off the throw train. Or actually she can stay on it but boot Rodney? But she trusts him more than everyone sans Tyler which is beat. Carolyn says she's going to have a lot more activity which is great. Her activity wasn't a huge problem for us anyways but I think that her being here and a bit more in it will be great since she is playing fine. Bummed at the lack of action from Shirin but I think that once she sees the big game merge she'll probably be even less in to being here. Which is already not much. Double dipping is a little gross but I remember a time when that was me so. Stranded is usually too intensive to handle a double dip in though and she'll see that come merger so, I don't expect too many big things.

My Personal Favo Tribe Ranking:

1. Tyler
2. Genie
3. Ricard
4. Hali
5. Carolyn
6. Shirin
7. Rodney


I am bummed that Nina quit. I was really rooting for her and thought her story was killer. They made it out of the bottom and was really in a solid spot on their old team. Very rootable player and I hope that in the future they can come back and really give Stranded the full shot. JD is here now, apparently, and has given a pretty solid confessional where he ranked Lindsey pretty high. I'm kind of surprised to see that but it sounds like he isn't going to try and rock the boat. His reads are pretty subpar right now but hopefully he will have more time to integrate himself and will actually continue to show up. I am not going to hate on him for his past but will be pissed if he's just giving me some false hope. 

I like the idea that Tiffany is so paranoid about Nina's activity being a ploy that they had to work around that. That is just a little glimpse of insanity that is going to bubble over as the tribes keep getting more complicated/more people are here playing hard. That is a hard person to work with and while it did hurt the game in that it helped push out a Lindsey boot yesterday, I think that it will grate on people and cause more problems. Lindsey really just keeps getting fucked over in her layouts lol. This team on PAPER should have been so good for her but they just don't believe her? Because she's too good? It's kind of insane honestly and I feel pretty bad but mostly because I want her to do well and I don't see a good way for her to get out of here alive. 

Will really understands how to get in to know with people though, damn. He's once again on the right side of the team just by being himself and I have to give him props for getting to the old greens in a way that Lindsey couldn't. I think that I sort of wrote him off a bit once he blew his game but now that he's taking it a bit slower I think that he can cause a lot of damage, esp in the game merge.

My personal favo ranking:

1. Lindsey
2. Brad
3. Will
4. Tiffany
5. Erika
6. JD


Jacob's video confessional about how Dom was too much for him sometimes was hilarious. This team once again has the highest likelihood to have a crazy tribal council with two idols and a lot of people angling towards Stephanie, who has one of them. I like Steph and would love to see an actual idol play but am not really sure who that would leave on the outs. I actually believe Ken that he'll show and start being more aggressive and remember liking Ken a bit at the start, but if they angle for him on this team I won't be too upset. That likely would not be Steph's best play though since Jacob is so obviously against her. I wouldn't want Jacob to get dumped here either.

Jay is still top of the world, same with Wendell which goes to show they both have game. Sure Jay swapped with the nuts but he's done a good job at integrating with the old Lato, and Wendell is just somehow solid with everyone despite being the most in the know person on OG Lato. This has been a cooldown round for Jessica but I'm for her her own game style and getting people to like her that way. She wants to get rid of Ken, likely because she is happy to talk to everyone here and is enjoying herself, wheras I don't think she was ever close to Ken.

Tribe favo ranking: (this team was hard to rank, everyone is p solid)
1. Wendell
2. Jay
3. Jessica
4. Jacob
5. Stephanie
6. Taylor
7. Ken


So Cece had a round yesterday. It happens. But they made the right call pushing her out. I am actually incredibly surprised that Dom is back inside with the other blues but I guess it's more out of necessity than want since he did try to make something happen. I think that he's got the right idea though. He obviously wants Rachel close by and he wants to axe out Bret here. Keep the numbers on blue etc etc but I know that he would prefer some of the blue fat to be trimmed likely. This team is a little bit more straight forward right now it looks like? Blue is in the numbers, brown is not and it's a matter of who can stick out more.

Bret says he's connecting with the others but James said in confesh he trusted Rachel more than Bret. And then he ranked her lower than him lol so who knows there but I think this time is a cut and dry brown boot if they do lose. No shot that James/Morgan/Bradley don't end up working together here and this team is already at six so. Also bummed Bradley's life is busy but I hope we keep getting the cocky confessionals. Him convincing Dom that booting not cece was a bad idea lol when it was likely all Cece freaking out. I am hoping that Rachel keeps pushing through here. I think she's done well enough but she definitely did not get swapped in to the best possible group for herself and if this team keeps losing (which they absolutely can do) then she's going to be in trouble. 

Tribe favo ranking

1. Rachel
2. Dom
3. James
4. Bradley
5. Bret
6. Morgan


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By Cochran
Love Rachel's bit about there's no such thing as swap fucks. I think that Genie/Ricard are the closest thing with the tribe division but even then, there is always a way out. That's a good mindset to have and why you should never give up. You can see in her play that she has that bit figured out. 


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