Congratulations on surviving on your second tribal council, especially a more rambunctious one than last round.
  1.  Let's start off with a quick trust ranking. From most to least, who on your tribe do you trust?
  2.  Were there any surprises for you at this tribal council?
  3.  How does Mike leaving affect your path moving forward?
  4.  How do you think your current activity level is affecting your game?
  5.  We understand and empathize with how stressful this game can be for many. How are you managing the stress of the game so far?
  6.  Do any of your family/friends know you play Survivor ORGs? What do they think of it? Are they dialed into what's happening with your game?

Dean Kowalski

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Rodney wrote: Tue Mar 15, 2022 8:37:52 pm is this my new confessional (No one else can see) 
After every tribal council, a new confessional thread is made. And you're correct, nobody except hosts and anyone watching the season (alumni) can see.

None of your tribemates or the other tribe can see any of your confessionals.
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Dean Kowalski

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