Day 11 - Immunity Challenge #6 - Once Upon a Time
Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:01:56 pm
Immunity Challenge #6 - Once Upon a Time
Overview: For this challenge, you will have to pay close attention to the time. That's because you will have to post within a certain timestamp in order to win. Below you will see the letters that comprise the word I M M U N I T Y
You will specify an order below using 5 of your tribe members. Three will go twice. Here's how it works. You will each have to post an image of a letter of the word IMMUNITY in order. Seems easy, right? Not so fast...
Player 1: The first "I" must be posted with a timestamp ending with any of the numbers 1-8 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4, :X5, :X6, :X7, :X8)
Player 2: The first "M" must be posted with a timestamp ending with any of the numbers 1-7 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4, :X5, :X6, :X7)
Player 3: The second "M" must be posted with a timestamp ending with any of the numbers 1-6 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4, :X5, :X6)
Player 4: The "U" must be posted with a timestamp ending with any of the numbers 1-5 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4, :X5)
Player 5: The "N" must be posted with a timestamp ending with any of the numbers 1-4 (:X1, :X2, :X3, :X4)
Player 1: The second "I" must be posted with a timestamp ending with any of the numbers 1-3 (:X1, :X2, :X3)
Player 2: The "T" must be posted with a timestamp ending with any of the numbers 1-2 (:X1, :X2)
Player 3: The final letter "Y" must be posted on a timestamp ending with 0 (:X0)
If at any time you post outside of your designated time stamps, your tribe must start over. You must post the correct working timestamp. You can take as much time between letters as you'd like. Your time stops when the Y has been posted.
- You must go in the exact 5-person order you post with the first 3 players going twice.
- You cannot change the order after you have begun.
Required Tribemembers: 5
Time Limit: If after 20 minutes, no tribe has won Immunity, we will pause and adjust the times making it easier to win.